Where is Fall?
Hello, where is Fall? It's almost 90 degrees here in Northeast Ohio. Usually it's about 55... I'm so tired of the heat. I want Fall!!!!!!!!!! I want it now! I love the cool crisp air, the cuddling to get warm, spiced apple cider, vanilla candles... Our trees aren't even changing colors yet.... Hopefully it will happen soon. Hope all of you are having a great Monday. Take care!
But look at that fabulous autumn blue sky you have!! It means the other stuff isn't far behind :)
And what a lovely lady with her parasol! Great photo!
How I long for a real Autumn also!
We were at 93 today and expect 94 tomorrow here in North Carolina.
Love that old photo!
Thank you bejeweled!!! I'm so tired of 90 degree weather! It's supposed to cool of sometime today. I can't wait!!!!!~ Thanks for stopping by girls!!!!!
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