Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Blog of the Week
Hello, OK.. I feel really silly putting this blog up! Only because EVERYONE knows her and her wonderfully creative blog! It's Sandra Evertson! She's an art icon! I love her work. She's one of the most creative people I know of! I don't know where she gets it from..A true talent! She's an author, artist, and whimsy extraordinaire!!!! One word~ FABULOUS!!!!! So, if you are one of the unlucky ones who haven't visited her yet... Please do!!! http://www.sandraevertson.blogspot.com She will blow your mind away!!!!! Take care...


Tuesday, October 30, 2007
~Queen Mabs~
Happy Halloween! As most of you already know, I live in Ohio~ In a small town that has NO inspiration, creativity, and fun places. That's why I look at shops online... I found this one on a blog... http://www.uncommonephemera.typepad.com The stores name is Queen Mabs... And guess what.. They actually have a website with 6 pages of pictures from their store! I do see a few stores online, like- Melrose Vintage, Tail of the Yak, and Paris to the Moon... All beautiful places to shop but I don't live anywhere near any of these fabulous stores and they don't have sites to look at.... So, I was pleasantly surprised to see Queen Mabs site... You can see a lot more pictures... I have been having HUGE problems loading pics so this is as good as it gets.. But, if you go to the website.. http://www.queenmabs.com you'll get an "eyeful"..... Take care creative spirits!!!!!!! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Blog of the Week~
Hello~The blog I chose this week is Tracy Porters! I just found out she had a blog! I was very happy to learn this! So, I clicked on her blog with much anticipation, to find out~ it's not very personal.. Which I guess I was hoping for a glimpse into her "real" life, but it's mostly about her goods, which is fine too! If you don't know about her~ she designs most of her own things. She has 4 little boys~a hubby and a menagerie of animals, from goats and horses to chickens and rabbits... And of course the most beautiful bird of all (my opinion) a peacock!! I am in love with these birds! Her style is fun and full of fantasy and whimsy! Very enchanting! So, hop on by! And thanks for visiting ME!!!!!~ http://www.tracyporter.com/blog.php

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Pumpkin Heaven

Originally uploaded by sparkledvintagecharm
I just had to show you all this! Isn't it sweet! I found it at Flickr! It was made by Sparklevintagecharm! Visit her blog.... http://www.sparkledvintagecharm.blogspot.com This is just too sweet not to mention!!! Have a lovely evening!
Blog of the week!
Hello Lovelies! I decided since I didn't have anything "yummy" to post about today, a thought came into my mind!!!! (stop laughing)! Why don't I feature a different blog every week!!!! That would be fun! And yours could be next!!! This week I've decided to feature ArtsyMama!!! I know most of you know her but, I thought maybe someONE didn't! She's very creative! Always posting perfect pictures and she posts often! So, head on over and take a look if you haven't already! Take care my creative friends!! I'll see you tomorrow!!!! http://www.artsymama.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
~Deliciousness from Texas~
Hello Lovelies~ How are you? Thank you for dropping by! Look at what I got in the mail!!!!! This isn't even all of it. This beautiful creative angel Tiffany at http://www.beyondthevintagepath.com sent me this package~ I am amazed at the people out there in blogland. Tiffany sent this to me for no reason. Yep, no reason.. I know, I was astounded myself..... This was the kindest thing anyone has done for me in a L-O-N-G time. It actually restored my faith in people again. I've been going through some really tough times (as you all know) and when she emailed me for my address I was shocked. Just clear out of the blue.. I almost couldn't contain myself! And, that's all it takes- one person to do an unselfish deed or kindness for another-- that's all it takes to change a life, a day, or even a moment.. I applaud you Tiffany. Well done!!!!!! This little package from an angel like you has really changed my opinions of people! Thank you, thank you!!!!! You've uplifted my soul!!!!~

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Top Hat
Originally uploaded by carries2luvs
This is my latest creation right down to the eyelashes! I thought to do an over the top top hat! I put a glittery freathery peacock mask on it and then on top there is a pretty peacock nestled into a feathery nest! Then I thought, I need to display this on something! So, off I went with the spray paint and foam head!!! The rest is history!!!!!
Paper Dresses and a bird in my Box
Hello lovely souls. This is a glass bird case I created yesterday. I'm so sorry (as usual) about the awful pictures. The glare. Ugh.. It has a pretty bird a sparkley golden chair, for butterflies of course! And the awful glare is covering up a hanging japenese lantern.. Down below are the beautiful paper dresses I got from Heather at Jeweled Elegance~http://jeweledelegance.blogspot.comaren't they just lovely!!!! She hosted the paper dress swap and lucky for me, I was her partner!!!! The Halloween dress is sparkley! I just lOVe sparkles! Take care beauties. Have a terrific Tuesday!.. OH~ Happy Birthday OPAL!!http://www.oldflowers4me.blogspot.com

Monday, October 8, 2007
Where is Fall?
Hello, where is Fall? It's almost 90 degrees here in Northeast Ohio. Usually it's about 55... I'm so tired of the heat. I want Fall!!!!!!!!!! I want it now! I love the cool crisp air, the cuddling to get warm, spiced apple cider, vanilla candles... Our trees aren't even changing colors yet.... Hopefully it will happen soon. Hope all of you are having a great Monday. Take care!

Saturday, October 6, 2007
Birds and a Paper Dress~
Hello sweet ones! How are you? First I wanted to take a minute to thank every single one of you who left me a message on my blog and through email. Your encouraging words brighten my days. That's why I love blogs so much. The people who visit your blog are the sweetest, dearest, creative souls anyone could ever have the pleasure of meeting. And that my dears comes straight from my heart!!!! Anywhoooo~ This is a dress made out of scrapbook papers, it's a new shop about 30 minutes from my house. Lets just say the paper dress in the window was the best part of the shop. I won't be going back unless I see a new display in the window that is cute like this! I was thinking of making one for one of my mannequins... And that's my pretty birdcage with a little chandelier, flowers, and a pink sparkling little bird. Although my picture taking is notrocious I hope you can see it!!!!! Take care loves. I'm off to your blog now!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
~rEcHaRgE mY SoUL~
Hello Lovelies~ I have had such a horrible couple of weeks and it's hard even thinking about the last 2 weeks events. They leave me in tears. So, I thought~ I have to find a place or something that could recharge my soul -if even for a moment- so I turned to the internet. And I found a few things in one place! The junk gypsies. I discovered these ladies a few years ago and thought I should pay a visit... And I'm glad I did. I can shut my eyes and imagine me in these environments and the hard stuff that has been laying on my shoulders start to drip away.... Then I open my eyes and everything hardens again.... I thought~why can't we all live this way, the way we see things with our eyes closed?? I want to ~ but, I think, it's so hard to get started. I mean~ really create an environment for yourself in real life that could recharge YOUR soul... What would it be like? What would it smell like, or look like, what would you eat and drink. What would you do there??? I can imagine living in these pictures(especially the last 2)! I could drink tea and eat fairy cakes, (or something healthy) NAHHH!!!! it would smell of insence, and candles would always be lit. I would create everyday. Time would go so slowly and no negativity would be allowed to reside with me.... But, then I open my eyes and see 2 kids, a hubby whom hates my styles! and I see calendars-times to be here or there and I want to scream...... One day I want my life to be so lovely.. But, until that day can come. I have all of you girls in blogland and of course the junk gypsies!!!!! Farewell.... take care... http://www.gypsyville.com 

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