Where does time go? I've been so busy that I realized I haven't blogged in about a week or 2. Wow. Just been busy. I've been cleaning out the cottage and it seems that I have a ton of things that need new homes! So, I've been setting up for a garage sale! It's taken almost 2 weeks straight working day and night. And I've run out of room.. UGH! So, I thought I would post a few picks of the sale before it actually takes place! And share some fresh veggies from the farm market with you! Take as much as you'd like!! Have a great weekend!!!
A few snippets of my garage sale!!~

This is my attic space re~organized! This is just a small corner of it! It's packed!~ I still have way to much stuff!

A calming fountain!

Do you think I have a thing for purple chairs??!? {{I do}}!!

Have some fresh veggies!!!!!~
Enjoy your weekend!!!~
Where do you live? I'm coming over for your sale. lol
Great things you've got there.
I live in Ohio! I wish you could come on by!
Such a beautiful space my sweet friend! Whimsical and enchanting!! Have a lovely day! Joanna
wow, you have some really neat stuff for your sale... would love a few of those pieces. of course, I've got my own cottage to clean out to get ready for a move, so I really shouldn't add anything to it right now! :-)
Wow! What a great garage sale you are going to have!
That purple chair is great!! It needs to come down out of the attic!!
If only I lived close..I'd be your best customer!! Such awesome goodies...
Looks like you had quite a yardsale! I had one last week. :~) Love your attic space!
wow, my girls would be so fascinated by your treasures. BTW, I come to your blog daily for Opus23, that song has really touched me where I live.
I want to buy the dress form........youve got loads of godies...hope you make lots of cash for you effort.
where abouts in Ohio? Im in western Pa..I could drive to get the dress form
Looks like fun! I bet you did well.
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