Friday, June 27, 2008

~MaD tEa PaRtY~

Sure is a lovely day for a tea party! Welcome and make yourself cozy and comfy! There's plenty of treats here that I'm sure you'll love! There's tea, cakes, gummy butterflies, silly hats, a GiVeAwAy, and YES, even a peacock! So please, step inside the wonderful world of the ~"Mad Tea Party"!!!!!~ The enchanted fairy offers lollipops of all sizes!

And please pick out a mask!

And most importantly don't forget your hat! The bigger the better!!! Even if it has a bird on it!

And it's not a party until Princess Matilda shows up! She's the spirit of all my parties!

My peacock will offer you even more scrumptous treats~ Chocolate cake, vanilla dreams, strawberry milk, tea of all kinds, and my favorite for this afternoon=gummy butterflies!


Help yourself, it's all very delicious!

As you can see there's still plenty left!

Yummy creamy strawberry milk (yes, milk) with loads of cream! I do hope you've enjoyed yourself here! And I hope your full!!!!!~ Please look below! Another goodie!~

This is what one lucky party goer is going to receive!! It's a captured butterfly! All you have to do is leave a comment!!!!! Hope you all had fun and are full!!!!!!!

Enjoy the rest of your day and the other parties!!!!!

!!!!!!Don't forget to leave a comment for the give~away!!!!!!!!!


LW said...

Wonderful party and I adore the addition of the story ...
Very clever…..


Anonymous said...

Matilda is FABULOUS!!

b. said...

just thought i would stop by and it is all...
oh so lovely. =)

gkgirl said...

this is adorable...
i really loved matilda...
she seemed so friendly,
is she always like that?

Fete et Fleur said...

How wonderful your peacock is! He is truly a gentleman and has offered me every courtesy. Thank you for a lovely time!


Gabriela said...


What an awesome post!

~ Gabriela ~

Heidi said...

Such a wonderfully delightful "tea party"!...And I love what your serving us to eat!...nothing better than "strawberry milk" & "gummy butterflies"!!!! Isn't this fun!...Enjoy you weekeend!...heidi :)

My Artful Heart said...

So nice to meet you too....the strawberry milk goodie in the teacup.....yummmmm. Love the peacock lots :)Glad to be partying with ya.


noodle and lou said...

Oh my goodness, I am giggling away at the story lady:):):) It was just fabulous sharing some tea with you...everything was deeeeelicious!! Happy day to you!

Kate Tracton said...

Oh, I just LOVE Princess Matilda! She's so sexy with all her curves, and her purple dress is to die for :)

Your peacock makes a lovely waiter, I must thank him for the cup of strawberry milk! (Who could turn down the offer of strawberry milk?)

Thanks so much for your visit - do come again. I just love making new friends.

Isn't this fun?


rochambeau said...

Hi Carrie,
Now how would you ever be able to pull off such a delightful tea without the help of "Princess Matilda"? A cut sprite is she!


MARLOU B. said...

Nice to meet you too !!!
Adorable party !!
Fun day for you !!

Unknown said...

mmm; I think I had like 5 of your Yummy Chocolate thingys.
I hope I'll still fit in my ballerina dress in the evening.

I'm so happy to get to meet you :D


Anonymous said...

Gummy butterflies! Why, they're almost too lovely to eat! I would love to try some of that strawberry milk. YUM! Thanks for a great party!

Betty said...

Oh my goodness! If I don't quit sampling party goodies I'll soon like Miss Matilda!

Shannon said...

I love little miss Princess Matilda and all those goodies! Very darling! xo Shannon

Rebecca Ramsey said...

What yummy strawberry milk. I slurped it right down. Sorry about that!
And your peacock is a sweetie!

Anonymous said...

Delightful! Tank you for your hospitality..I had a magnificant visit.

bluemuf said...

What Fun...I just knew I had to party today. WoW!!! gummy butterflies and all sorts of other goodies. I did leave some for other guests. I also enjoyed the story.

Thank you for wonderful time


calamity kim said...

oh, what fun! I love your peacock and that table! The strawberry milk was delightful and I'd love another gummy treat, if you don't mind!

Anonymous said...

Lola Enchanted!
Your tea party divine, loved all the treats YUMMY GOOD I love whip cream heehee. Your art & blog is so fun! Gummy butterfly's how kewl!

Tea party friends join me at my blog for a glass of wine.

Brightest Blessing,
The Mystic fairy

Kim Campbell said...

As I have one of your lovely creations, please don't put my name in for the drawing. I was just stopping by to say Hello!

somepinkflowers said...


creamy strawberry milk
in my tea!

thank god i WALKED over here
do not need to worry about calories!


thank goodness!

wowowo LOOK at the treats!
i MEANT to bring somepinksnacks
i seem to have put them down
when i was doing the Funky Chicken
dance with constance....

my bad.

you are such the hostess!

Sherry said...

So many delictible yummies and tea -- the hats and the masks are enchanted as one would expect from Lola Enchanted! And I absolutely adore Matilda!! See you at Vanessa's!

Cindy said...

I very much enjoyed the srawberry milk, what a delight. What a lovely party and such a well-behaved peacock!

: D


Lisa Kettell said...

Just stopping by for a tea visit, so glad I did, love all the wonderful photos!
Happy Mad Tea Day!

Teacup Mosaics said...

Gummy butterflies and strawberry milk,I'm in party heaven. Have fun!

DMG said...

What a lovely party. Everyone looked so divine, and I confess I am jealous of your peacock! I have always wanted a peacock or two to wander in my garden. I tried strawberry milk for the first time and found it to be as delicious as it looks. Thank you for a magical time.

Beatrice V said...

I am absolutely enchanted to meet all these talented people at this mad party! But the best is seeing the beautiful thigns you all make (guess I have stumbled on a cricle of craft artists?) it all so beautiful, are you all selling on the web? Sorry, but had little time to check what is everyone doing exactly.. This is just like a cocktail party, all small talk, but hope will get to know all of you better in the next few months. Everything is gorgeous.

Kathryn Costa said...

I hope you and your guests can swing by my tea party for party hats, baubles, and moondancing!

Amy Gethins Sullivan said...

Yes, Please. Strawberry milk / whip cream, Yummy! Lovely party. Amy

Elizabeth said...

And I'm English too
Thank you very much for having me.
My mother taught me to mind my manners.
Such a pretty site. said...

Miss darling special wonderful LOLA!!! her name was Lola... She was enchanted... I know I am a cheeseball!! ;) Loooove your tea display!!! You are such a peach, such a love!! You make me HAPPY HAPPPPPPPyyyyyy!!!

Naturegirl said...

Oh this was a most delightful day stopping by all these scrumptious tea parties today!
Yours is filled with so much fun with the hats and the treats and oh so much fun!Matilda was the Queen of the
party! Great post!Today I'm in the PINK!

TheMagicBartender said...

Happy Mad TEA Party!!
Nice to meet You!

I’m tryin’ to gain 20lbs @ this party!!
Cheers, Sue `*>~[

Kristin said...

I had to laugh just now,Im watching matilda (the kids movie) while reading this, and you have a princess matilda..hehe but beautiful tea party..I love the peacock..well I have enjoyed your wonderful to the other many revoir

e.marie said...

Ha! Wonderful story ;)

And another table of tempting treats...

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

Love it here!

Anonymous said...

A Peacock!!?? The ultimate in feathered party-goers!!

kecia deveney said...

i'm in love with your peacock! i was driving past a field the other day and was quite surprised to see 2 peacocks walking around. i wanted to stop and take photos but didn't. next time i will.

Ana Balbinot said...

So lovely! and yhe addition of the story was fabulous!

Anonymous said...

I almost forgot!!!!!! Fireworks at my house to end the day with a bang!!! Perfect view from my front yard!!!!

Lots of lovely cushions for all to sit on, everyone bring their left over goodies!!!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!!! Princess Matilda came too!!

Henry said...

your tea party was lovely! may i borrow your peacock?

Susan said...

Thanks so much for a wonderful party.It was lovely meeting you at my party. Please come again soon.

Mya said...

Wondeful, I love it. The treats look yummy. Just loved the story too. Matilda looks like a fun girl.

Mel said...

Add me to the list of those that loved Matilda! I'm partial to strawberry milk as well, but have never tried it with cream on top. Yum!!

*~TWo PiXie DoLLs~* said...

I had a positively pleasant time at your tea party-what a lovely gathering it was. We should do it again sometime soon! I especially enjoyed all the whipped treats and sugary confections. And the butterfly that landed while we were sipping our tea that you captured-the perfect end to a perfect party!

Theresa Rohrer said...

Happy Mad Tea Party Day!
Sorry, I meant MaD tEa PaRtY dAY!
You've got a lovely little tea party with plenty of glitter. I'm so glad I stopped by for a spot of tea and lollipop!

BumbleVee said...

I just want to do a swan dive straight into the strawberry milk and float on the clouds of cream.... yummmmmmmm !!! Besides's good for my bones.... lol...

curious and curiouser... said...

I've never had gummie butterflies before - delish! Thank you for a lovely party!!

suze said...

Thanks for coming by the party. Count me in for your giveaway. Matilda is a hoot! That cup with the whipped cream on top just sent me over the edge!!

Anastasia said...

everything is such a treat - thanks for the tea, so wonderful to see you at the party!

Ann-Denise Anderson said...

Nice to meet you and Sorry I'm so late... Thank you for coming by for tea and animal crackers!Hope to see you again!

mommyholly said...

Oooooh I would love the liitle butterfly!!!! :) And I adore the peacock!!!! :) Happy party day! xoxoxox!

Britt-Arnhild said...

Nice to meet you at the party.

LiLi M. said...

One of the nicest things about tea parties is making new friends... It's so nice to meet princess Mathilda! Yep I've picked a mask and a hat and I like it up here! Thanks for visiting my party too, cu!

Chic and Charming said...

That wig looks fabulous!

Melissa Valeriote said...

Hope there are some treats left. I'm sooo hungry from running around to all these magnificent spots. What a party!

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Lovely party! Thanks for the strawberry milk I was getting tired of tea! Twyla

Alice Regan said...

Princess Matilda looks to having a grand time! Thank you for inviting me to your tea party. I've had the most delicious time! I'm off for more tea and cake.

3rdEyeMuse said...

oh my! that captured butterfly is a dream ... sorry to arrive so late ... we dropped from exhaustion last night, so thought we'd continue the rounds today and offer to help with the clean up duties. feel free to put us to work.

it was nice to meet you and hope to see you again soon! ~M~

Marina Capano said...

Hi! I love your work! Is amazing! congratulation! is so cute and wonderful. I hope you can visit my blog too! I hope so!
xoxo Marina

TheMagicBartender said...

Glad we caught each other!
Stay n Touch...
I look forward to...Hmmm???
Cheers, Sue `*>~[

Valerie said...

Love your tea party.

MMMM that strawberry milk with cream looks especially good!

Thank you for stopping by my blog tea party!

Christine said...

HAHAHA!! I'm trying to read your post while listening to the "Story of Alice in Wonderland"!! That is the funniest thing to hear..Alice picked up by the narcotics squad..such a shame.
Love your photos of the tasty treats and looks like Mathilda kind got to a few of them before the guests could. Off to mingle with the other guests..nice to have met you:)

Sherri said...

Lovely. Love Miss Matilda. Glad to meet you.

Debb said...

so late but finally I made it here thanks for stopping by love your blog.
love Debb

Paula Clare said...

Oh what fun! Matilda is a hoot! I love the story playing in the background!

Thanks for popping by and joining us in the hot tub. The mersisters and I were glad to meet you!

Bethany said...

Oh strawberry milk is my mostest favorite!!! Oh thank you for saving some for me!! Your party looked like it was glad to have met you :)

Dapoppins said...

Matilda is my favorite! I hope she will come to my next party...and I love the story and other bits on your player! so clever! I was here yesterday, but I don't think I left a comment. I think I am getting a bit drunk on all that tea and sweets...ummmm maybe just one more gummy butterfly?

queengilda said...

wow~~~!!! why do all of you have such gorgeous things!?!?! i love the mask and pretty hat.

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

What a lovely party! Sorry I'm soooo late, I'm still making the party rounds. Hope you drop by and visit.

Irma :)

pamelahuntington said...

What a lovely party and Story!

Anonymous said...

This is the joy of virtual party.
Even I'm far too late, I can still enjoy the atmosphere.
Lots of thank to Vanessa.
And it's nice knowing u too