Avalon and the Roses
Aaawwww~ roses~ they are sweet, pretty, colorful and smell wonderful!!!! You see them in gardens, and shops. Every girl wants (needs) them!! But, when you can't get to them-visit Avalonandtheroses- http://www.avalonandtheroses.blogspot.com She has just set up a new blog! I just love new blogs! Like a freshly picked rose! Please stop on over and give her a sweet visit! She's amazing! She's from Australia!!!!!Take care! Enjoy your visit with her!!!!~ And of course, thank you for visiting me!!!!
ooh another australian blog! must fly over and peek xo
well i just have to say from the bottom of my heart this girl is such a great friend to me- we have so much fun- but she's there to help you -no matter whats happening-she has such a big heart- and after all she is the sandwich queen. singing and skipping love jo
Just dropped by to see how you are doing. Your blog looks fabulous!
Sandra Evertson
Thank you Sandra!!!! And I'm also so glad you all stopped by!!!!!!
Thank you my darling...have not heard form you in a whaile pop over and say hello
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