Friday, September 28, 2007
Good Bye Grandpa Kannard~an ODE to YOU!!!~
I really don't have a picture for you right now. I have a good-bye for my grandpa. My grandpa was a loyal, honest, trusting man. I don't know ANY many men like him. I didn't visit him often(in my adult years) but, I loved him. He was one of the good guys. He was trusting, loyal, and fun. He never made a fuss. and he would never cause a problem. My grandpa was one of the great ones. One guy you'd dream of.... I visited him often when I was young. Then when I was an adult, life took over.... you know, kids, husband, job, money, life, struggles, love, hate, etc..... but whenever I went to visit him~ he'd always share his wisdom... always. He would never want you to make a fuss over anything. He thought your kids were divine.... He loved McDonald's breakfast~ the Hot Cake combo.... He was simple=== yet, he was so loving. So sweet... He was the BEST man in my world... I will feel this pain of him passing for many years. He was the type to say, what r ya doin' don't make a fuss ovr' that! He was a goood ole' country boy from Tennessee.... He would help anyone out. In a second he'd be your family... I'll miss you Grandpa~ Like the tears that fall on me...... I'll have you in my heart FOREVER and ETERNITY.... Remember what we talked about those few weeks ago------ I"ll meet you at McD's so our hearts will GrOW...... from me to you grandpa... If you can here me ~~~ I love you more than words could ever show.... And, I know what we talked about, our families will grow.. ( I remember our words that day-- it hurt me so-- but now that your gone. (like you said)my love will grow..... I will do as you wanted me to do, no matter what it will bring~ but I know what our words were.... our hearts will sing. It's so hard to imagine now... But, like you told me that day..... "No matter what other 's pain will bring~~~ your heart will surely sing"... And that to me Grandpa will always be...... I'll always love you.. You were always there for me.... And the talk we had just a short while ago, will bring it all to me....(just like you said.) I LOVE YOU GRANDPA~~~no matter what the dirt will bring~~~~~~ MY ode to you OL' man. I love you.... forever and eternity..... I'll see ya at Mc D's on Saturday.... LOve you grandpa Kannard.... FOREVER.................................................. ( I'll see ya when I get there)........................................
Friday, September 21, 2007
Hello lovelies~ I've just discovered a great little book ~A closet full of Shoes~by Jo Packham~. These are a few of Sandra Evertson's ( shoes in the book. I picked these because they are the BEST shoes in the book!!!! They are enchanting and magical. The 2 on the bottom are actual lights!!!! I wish I could make these. they seem very intricate. Could you imagine opening a closet door or cabinet and seeing tons of shoes like these?????? Wonder~Land! Oh, another blog that has a few great shoe pictures~ Take care beauties! Have a GREAT Friday!!!!!~

Jo Packham,
Sandra Evertson,
My glue gun just broke in half~During this project. UUUGGHHHHH~ I'm screaming! It's hard to tell, but it's almost in half. Darn.....

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
A few things
Hello Lovelies! Just a few of things I've been working on! I've had extra time and it feels so good! The flower chandelier was a resale shop fine. It was $24.00 plus 25% off! It was only hanging up for 20 minutes before I snagged it! The little fairy jar in front with the pink bow is a Sommerset Workshop project. Of course it was Sandra Evertsons!!! I love how colorful her work is! there's even more of her projects in that issue! I love it!!! Well lovelies~Have yourself a terrific Tuesday! I'll be by tomorrow!

Monday, September 17, 2007
ThE wInNeR iS~~~~~~~
The winner is---- Mendy Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And, THANK ALL of you sweet dears for commenting and entering my blog give-away!!!!!!!!
This was so much fun for me, I want to do it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I think I will!!!!!!!!!! But, not yet!!!!!! Soon~ so please keep checking back!!! Next time, I'm going for 2 winners!!!!!!!! FUN!!!!
Take care and have a great Monday!!!!!!!!
And, THANK ALL of you sweet dears for commenting and entering my blog give-away!!!!!!!!
This was so much fun for me, I want to do it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I think I will!!!!!!!!!! But, not yet!!!!!! Soon~ so please keep checking back!!! Next time, I'm going for 2 winners!!!!!!!! FUN!!!!
Take care and have a great Monday!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Hello sweet ones! Since my winning of Sandra Evertsons blog give-away~ I thought I'd try my own! I'm going to post the prize plus I'll be adding a few little surprises! I just love surprises, don't you!! So, please feel free to leave a comment to sign up! I will be picking the lucky winner from a tea cup next Monday- September 17, 2007... The lucky winner will get the "art hat" and a few little surprises!! Kind of like a goodie box as well!!! Take care~ I wish you all GOOD LUCK!!!!!!
Hello Lovelies~ I had to show what I won from Sandra Evertson She sent this wonderful Egglette and to my surprise her Weddings book. I was stunned. The book and egg are gorgeous!!! I was so lucky to win this from her!!!!~ She has inspired me to do my own give-away as well. I know I've said that before, but by tonight or tomorrow I will post my give-away! It will have a little (tiny) surprise as well!!!!~
Hope to see lots of comments on my give-away! Have a GREAT Sunday!~ P.S I do know my pictures need work!
Hope to see lots of comments on my give-away! Have a GREAT Sunday!~ P.S I do know my pictures need work!

Saturday, September 1, 2007
twinkle lights

twinkle lights
Originally uploaded by jek in the box
I could only imagine what this looks like at night all lit up! DrEaMy!!!
Gypsy Fairy

Gypsy Fairy
Originally uploaded by Stars*Go*Blue
Another great fairy picture! I love these. They look so real! Another great piece for an ornate frame, I think!!!~

Originally uploaded by Stars*Go*Blue
Isn't this just divine! I love fairy pictures that look so real. Very enchanting! I would love this in an ornate picture frame!
Paper Dress Swap
Hello~ Jeweled Elegance is having a paper dress swap! I joined! Hopefully you will too! Hurry on over to and sign up! Maybe we'll be partners! It's an easy swap. Alot of swaps are so intense. This is a great swap! This is my first swap!!!!! She has such a nice blog to, so it's like a 2 for 1 deal!!! Take care!

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