Step right up, step right up! I'm so glad you stopped by! I do have to thank the wonderful hostess for this lovely party! Thank you Lisa!!!!! Come on in, there's games and a prize and cotton candy!!!!
I do have to throw my dress on really quick....
And add some jewels, go ahead try some on! Oh you look "maw~velous"!!!!! You can keep those!
Please help yourself to some treats, cotton candy is the best!
You must grab an umbrella...
Oh yay, more people are arriving!
Please meet the carnival pixie! How do you do?!
And the queen of the party!
And this gal is sporting a lovely vintage party hat, that could become YOURS! All you have to do is leave a comment and on Monday I will pick the lucky winner!!!!!!!
So please don't forget to leave a comment! I'm so happy you've stopped by, please hang around and mingle awhile!!!!!

Your post is so fun! I love it, great job Lola!
Hi Lola, Great post and I see you also have the clown bank. What fun.
I also love the jewel I chose and what a lovely umberella,
Beautiful magical enchantress! Thanks for stopping by my place...
GREAT carnival goodies AND your new blog layout is 2 TOO FUN! '-)
Have a great weekend.
PS: I have not forgotten about your blog award, and will post in a few days...thanks again!
Chris (-:
Cute dress!
great post
I"ve been having fun at Lisa's too!
everybody is in such a festive mood today!
Ooooh, thank you for the beautiful jewels! So gracious of you to allow us to keep them. ;)
Great post! And your blog is so beautiful!
Great layout! How cheery and festive!
Very cute! :)
Thanks for coming by earlier...the video is up now! :)
Ohhhhh I want the dress!! Had great Carnival Fun today. Thanks for having me xx Mandy
My Goodness there is alot of magic going on over here, I'm just loving that dress, its gorgeous, all the carnival soiree ladies are going to want it too....
Don't forget to comment on post no.7 for the giveaways!
Great Job Lola..I love the music you have playing and I grabbed some Cotton Candy...giggling...What a lovely time I had at your carnival... Have fun tonight! See you at the Carnival!
What fun I am having and I've met so many people all having a very good time at the carnival.
Your post is fun and full of lovelies! Thanks!
What a lovely vintage party hat...and fun post! It was fun hanging out with you at the carnival...would you like to join me on the teacups before it gets too late?
StampinMom :-)
Dont mind me ..I'm helping myself to my umpteenth bit of cotton candy today! I love the jester and you are so lucky to have something that elegant to wear to the Soiree! Enjoy the to mingle:)
Holly Cow...I finally made it Lola, I've been carnival hoping...whew..what a lovely post..I love the dress!
xoxox, Ann-Denise
lol too funny! luv your pics...and the prize...enter me please..cher
Your carnival is wonderful, I love each carnival image...your blog is beautiful.
Happy Carnival.
I love your carnival post, what fun, you are so creative!
Thanks for stopping by my blog last night, what a fun soiree it was!
Waxela (wa-shay-la)
aka SpiritMama
Oh what a fun post! HOW FUN!!!!
Hi lovely post. Thanks for the comment on thevintagejournal. Denise
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