I just had to share this give~away with you!!! Stop by this magical place and visit a magical lady and enter her give~away!!! http://couturedepapier.blogspot.com/ Enjoy your day and good luck!
Aahhh, simpler times! I just admire Tasha Tudor! Even in modern times, she lived a simpler more pleasurable life than most! I dream of days long ago. What it must have been like!
Her Vermont home, though only 30 years old, feels as though it was built in the 1830's, her favorite time period. Seth Tudor, one of Tasha's four children, built her home using hand tools when Tasha moved to Vermont in the 1970's. Tasha Tudor lived among period antiques, using them in her daily life. She was quite adept at 'Heirloom Crafts', though she detested the term, including candle dipping, weaving, soap making, doll making and knitting. She lived without running water until her youngest child was five years old.
From a young age Tasha Tudor was interested in the home arts. She excelled in cooking, canning, cheese-making, ice cream making and many other home skills. As anyone who has eaten at Tasha Tudor's would know, her cooking skills were unsurpassed. She collected eggs from her chickens in the evenings, cooked and baked with fresh goats milk, and used only fresh or dried herbs from her garden. Tasha Tudor was renowned for her Afternoon Tea parties.
This is the room I've been working on! If I ever get it done, I will dub it "WonderLand!" It's a very very small space!
I am really getting into pink lately!! Maybe because Spring is on the horizon?!!
More stuff!! My WonderLand banner isn't even together yet! Vintage drapes draped on my chair! What to do with these... Hmmmm..
Such s sweet picture!!! Hope you all enjoy your day! I hope to have just a few more items in my Etsy shop http://www.themagiccottage.etsy.com by this Friday, for my Flea Market Friday!!!!! I'm glad you stopped by!!!!
I had such a BLAST doing this fun treasure hunt, but on accident I posted all of it at my other blog: http://lolaenchantedsfleamarket.blogspot.com/ Please stop over and check it out! It's still going on if you want to play!!!!!!!!!~I really wanted to take this time to thank the wonderful hostesses at http://www.moonlighthollow.blogspot.com for this fun online game! So here's a HUGE thank you!!!!!!!!!!!~
Step right up, step right up! I'm so glad you stopped by! I do have to thank the wonderful hostess for this lovely party! Thank you Lisa!!!!! Come on in, there's games and a prize and cotton candy!!!!I do have to throw my dress on really quick....And add some jewels, go ahead try some on! Oh you look "maw~velous"!!!!! You can keep those!Please help yourself to some treats, cotton candy is the best!You must grab an umbrella...Oh yay, more people are arriving!Please meet the carnival pixie! How do you do?!And the queen of the party!And this gal is sporting a lovely vintage party hat, that could become YOURS! All you have to do is leave a comment and on Monday I will pick the lucky winner!!!!!!!So please don't forget to leave a comment! I'm so happy you've stopped by, please hang around and mingle awhile!!!!!
Hello~Just a few blogs I'm smitten with! I'm sure if you pay them a visit, you'll be smitten too!! These bottles are so adorable and spring~like!!! Visit here: http://www.treasured-heirlooms.blogspot.com to see lots more!!!