Monday, December 21, 2009
*MeRrY ChRiStMaS*

Monday, November 23, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
GiveAway News.....
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
So, I will not be posting for a few weeks.....
Thursday, June 18, 2009
*Meet MaryJane*
I am just smitten with Mary Janes Farm!!! Check her out at: http://www.maryjanesfarm.org/
Enjoy your day beauties!!!!
P.S. I've just seen that the video doesn't play in the screen allowed!!! UGH! I'm so new at adding videos.. Anywhoooo, just click the link above and click "Meet MaryJane"!!! You can see the video in full!~
I just LOVE that you all put up with me!!!!!!!~
Friday, June 12, 2009
Award Dahling~

I'm sure you all have been at her blog before, but if you haven't you really should go now!! Right now!!!! She's one amazing gal and will become your friend real quick!!! Thank you again for this fabulous award, I am truly honored!!!! So, I must pass this award on.....
hope you can visit these great blogs! And I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!!!!~
Monday, June 8, 2009
GiveAway News~

Hello there! I just stumbled upon this blog and WOWZA, she's having not 1 but 2 giveaways!!!!
You must check it out!!! http://www.theartinyou.blogspot.com/
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Collections & Obsessions
This is one of the most fascinating pictures....
Collectors from all over! Are you a collector?!
I just love bunnies of course....
There's so many artists in this book, just to name a few....
Laurie Zuckerman, Jane Wynn, Laura Stanziola, Joanna Pierotti, Lesley Riley& Lisa Kaus.
So many wonderful collections!
Then I stumbled upon this sunshiney book! Sew Pretty Homestyle by Tone Finnanger.
Everything is so pretty and if you can sew (which I cannot) it looks pretty simple. I just may try my hand at it!!!!
And, If you remember, I had a cottage naming contest awhile ago and the name that was picked was "Gypsy Hollow". I'm starting my very own notebook on the "Gypsy Hollow" look and lifestyle!
And, lastly... I'm going to be putting up some flea market finds for sale! I'm trying to find a venue to sell that fits my needs and actually gets me results, so in the meantime, I think I'll do alittle selling right here! So here's 16 doll faces for sale! All 16 for sale and shipping is included in the price!
UNAVAILABLE!!!!!!!!! Thank you from The Studio at Crow Haven Farm!!!!http://thestudioatcrowhavenfarm.blogspot.com/