I heard whispers in the wind say that you can have magical visitors if only you believe! Do you believe? These are magnificant little creatures from a movie that I adore. {{FairyTale~A true story}}.. It is such a must see if you love enchantment and magic! It will definitely take your mind of off present day issues, if only for a moment! 
hello,nice to meet you,a kindred spirit so i can see..it wil be great visiting you!
I have never seen this movie. It looks beautiful.
I don't believe I've seen this one. I did see a fairy movie fairly recently .. I think it was called "Photographing Fairies"?
hello and thanks for visiting my blog. I've never seen this film but when my kids were little we used to make fairy houses all over the yard and leave fairy treats. They loved doing that.
Loribeth (Maminka Girl)
oh-i do believe in fairys- s1 of my dollys opend the fairy door last night-i hope alls well in your world-love jo
Looks like a wonderful movie
Thank you all for stopping by! I always love to hear from you! That movie is really fun!
oh CarrieFae =^..^= indeed yes!
This is one of the most enchanting pictures ever made ::sigh:: I just adore the scenes with the faery houses at the waters edge ... and the faeries in the rafters! Oh and the little ones crossing the road with their belongings!! Faery gypsies!
Do you own this movie? SO good!
Don't you just want to crawl inside of it?
The picture with the girls carring the house through the fields? The girl with the long wavy redhair could be me as a child! Truly!
Yes, I think we should all choose a date and open all of our faery doors together ... then sit back and watch the fae meet their faraway cousins. Oh such a wonderful reunion that would be! Can't you imagine the teaparty to celebrate? The dancing on into the night?
Perhaps Jo can hold it at Fairypond! (Although I have long suspected this is what always happens there ... and that is where many of her lovely flowers come from!) Oh we should do it!
Oh if only ...
Kisses from the fae =^..^= love, zU
Oh, it looks so lovely!! I can't wait. Blessings... Polly
I thought this movie was wonderful. Really lovely film that I can't recommend enough.
This is my favorite movie, it runs on repeat in my studio all the time!!!!!!!! OH SWOOOOON!!!!
i don't know how i ever missed seeing this movie!!
ahhhh!!! wow! I love this movies, I watched with my daughters, we fall in love with this movie, is so amazing and so sweet.
I hope you soon! dont remember my virtual party in 22 nd May. see you besos
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