Hello&Welcome! Thought it was time I started my own blog. There is so much creativity and wonderful people out in blog land, so I hope I can measure up! I'm a stay at home mom with 2 lovely but challenging kids! I love to create! I like taking old things and using them in new and different ways! I have a wonderful husband, a dog, and my rabbit LOLA!!! I dream of living in the country one day,but for now I live in an enchanted cottage where children and Lola get glittered, fairies play, and enchantment abounds!! I'll try to post everyday! And thank you for taking the time to visit me!! Take Care and enjoy everyday!!! ~LOLA~ enchanting isn't she!!
Welcome! I love your very first post! Enchanting!
Oh lookie what I spy! =^..^=
I have missed you SOoooo much!
Goodness gracious you did it ...
Here I am at your beginning & WoW.
The infamous ::blog:: and such a fun one too.
And am I taken with your enchanted world's
name sake? I'll say so YES!
Yum ... adoring those wings ::sigh::
Has she yet met, Beau Bunny (at The Decorated House)? You will both fall in love.
::Miss Lola:: is indeed enchanted ...
As is her mama person and the wonders
I am seeing in her little world.
Everything glitters! Sparkles!
I am truly ::DeLiGhTeD::
Can not wait to visit Lola --and you ::smile::
each day! Oh boy! Oh boy! Jackpot!
=^..^= love, zU
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